

Friday, November 21, 2008


MediaFire - Free File Hosting Made Simple

MediaFire is the simplest way to host and share files

Having trouble moving large files over the internet or just need to securely access your important files from any computer, anytime, anywhere? MediaFire has the simple solution!
Digital media has changed; rich media and large documents require larger files and more storage space. That's where MediaFire comes in. MediaFire allows you to store all your files online for easy secure access and enables you to distribute large files to hundreds or thousands of people without clogging inboxes or bogging down your website.

Want to give it a try but not ready to sign up for a free account? No problem, registration is completely optional and every feature of the service is available to you whether you choose to create an account or not. When you're ready to start building your secure online file collection all we need to get your account started is a valid email address and a password, that's it! Simple right?
最近開始試用這一家的服務,主要是因為它的服務得到許多的好評。我自己測試過,上載和下載速度都很快,支援下載器(FlashGet etc.)多點連接下載,更快。推薦!另外也推薦 Windows Live Skydrive 有 5G 容量限制,服務不錯。

Free Account 小小限制:
  • Unlimited storage
  • Up to 100MB per file (Windows Live Skydrive 50MB)
  • Unlimited uploads
  • Unlimited downloads
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Image galleries
  • No sign up required
  • No software to install 
  • Read some limits of free account

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Startup Delayer

The power to speed up your computer's startup process!
Can you learn another language in the time it takes for your machine to boot? Do you turn on your PC when you go to bed, so it's finished booting by the time you get home from work the next day?
When Windows loads it's Startup file, it attempts to load every program in there at the same time. Therefore if you have quite a lot of programs starting when Windows starts, each program will try and grab CPU time so that it can load.
If each program tries to do this at the same time, you soon notice the slow down that occurs, due to your CPU trying to help all the programs to load, and your hard disk accessing multiple files.

Startup Delayer allows you to setup how many seconds after Windows has started, to load each program.

Comodo Internet Security

Internet Security combines the power of COMODO's award-winning Firewall and AntiVirus software to protect your PC from malicious software and Hackers. Best of all is FREE!
  • Award-winning Firewall Protection
  • AntiVirus Software
  • Proactive Security
Comodo Internet Security will help you detect and remove viruses, Trojans, and other malicious software and hackers, and keep them out of your computer. In one easy-to-use bundle that won't slow down your computer. All free, really! No Credit Card Required for this download.
之前介紹過了COMODO FIREWALL,最近COMODO又推出了一個非常有競爭力的新產品,也是免費的,這是防毒軟體和防火牆的結合。我已經用到我的EeePC上了,效果非常理想,速度很快,使用的資源也很少,非常非常好的組合,因為現在就不需要AVG防毒軟體配COMODO防火牆了,直接就用一個產品取代。推薦大家使用。

Friday, October 31, 2008

Mozy online backup

Get more space when you refer a friend
For a limited time, we're doubling the amount of bonus space you get when you share Mozy with a friend. Share Mozy now and earn an extra 256 MB 512 MB of backup space for you AND your friend. You only have until November 30, 2008 to get the bonus so tell your friends right away. Half a gigabyte is enough space to back up: 250,000text email messages, 19,607 1-page spreadsheets, 300 photos, 100 mp3files, or 50 1-minute video clips. Don't want to wait for your friends to sign up? Sign up now(點這個連接註冊可以讓我增加額外的512MB,謝謝。)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Online personal storage with 2GB limited space, well NOT just an online storage, this thing sync ur folder on your PC! (It doesn't talk anything about upload file limit, just hope that it doesn't have any) I have just got an invitation, and I still have 9 invitation letters 2 give away, so hurry up, e-mail me if you need 1 before it is too late.

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